Creating backup of your outlook data and email account settings is as essential as creating backup of any data. This will help you in case of data loss or migrating from one system to other. In Outlook 2007 your e-mails are saved in a Personal Folder File with a .pst extension which does not include in your normal backup operation. Following these simple steps can help you to save and restore your e-mail, contacts, rules, task and more.
- Start > Run > type ‘regedit’
- Locate the following path in your ‘Registry Editor’
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\Outlook
Now right click on the key outlook and select option: Export and save .reg files to your desired location. You can run the same file while restoring your outlook. This will restore your old outlook profile with all your email accounts settings and rules. You will need to enter your password as Password is not stored into .reg file.
It is difficult to locate the Personal folder files in the previous versions of Outlook; however it’s much simpler in
Outlook 2007. Backing up and restoring data is easier, faster with the new
Outlook 2007.
Hi buddy,
your tips is really help me a lot !!
thanking you so much !!
John Purba