Places to stay at Gili Trawangan

Bagi Teman-teman yang mau hang out to gili, ada banyak tempat untuk menginap dari yang high class sampai ke kelas bawah, kemarin saya coba MARTA’S PLACE. Lumayan bagus tapi jangan kaget kalo air di dalam hotel masih terasa asin. he he
silahkan pilih sesuai anggaran!

Marta Guest House own and run by a nice couple Joana and her husband Marta, This couple brought new concept of Gili Islands accomodation into a new luxury Lombok type house with all the best facilities gili islands can have. Located in the village of Gili Trawangan and only 100 meter from the beach front.Marta now have a new swimming pool just off the Bungalows.Their new two storey bungalows in a central location set in beautiful gardens and great value. Stay with Marta make you feel like home.

Fresh and warm water, AC, mini bar, safe deposit box, massages, 24 hours security service.
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Memories of Gili Trawangan

20 – 21 November, 2008
Finally I visit Gili Trawangan. Pulau yang selalu di sebut – sebut keindahannya dan selalu aku promisikan ke tamu yang akan ksana, walau aku sendiri belum pernah melihat pulau itu. Gambaran itu kini nyata dan pasti akan selalu terkenang. Ini sebenarnya short holiday yang sangat spontan, kadang masih ga percaya kalau akhirnya aku pergi juga. Tapi ini jadi jauh lebih menyenangkan menurutku, no big preparation, kita siapkan apa yang bisa, bahkan ikan mas kecil yang aku pelihara dalam botol, lupa aku titipkan pada tetangga yang biasanya dengan senang hati menerimanya. Untung saja ikanku masih mau tersenyum padaku saat aku pulang, kemudian cacing beku yang aku ambilkan dari lemari es langsung dilahapnya sampai ludes!. I am sorry, I really need you here with me in my room.

08:15 pagi itu, aku tiba dengan shuttled Gili Cat di Padang Bai Harbor. Pakde telah menunggu disana karena dia memutuskan untuk own transfer by his motor bike from Ubud to Padang Bai. After waiting for 30 minutes, embarkation pun dimulai. Karena aku banyak yang kenal dengan crew Gili Cat, I feel more comfortable, even masih takut kena serangan mabuk laut. Continue reading “Memories of Gili Trawangan”

Gili Trawangan

Gili Trawangan, the most popular among the three Gili’s. Just kick back and enjoy the sun, nightly beach parties and sea. The main stripe is full of accommodations, restaurants, and dive shops. If you are seeking a quieter place to stay there are bungalows in the north. This Island is also known as “Party Island”, where mostly young European find themselves “Lost In Paradise”. If you come during the Peak Season (July-August, December-January), most places are full and prices are doubled. An advanced reservation is a must.

With spectacular sunrises over Lombok’s Mount Rinjani volcano and breathtaking sunsets that illuminate Bali’s towering Mount Agung volcano, together with warm hospitality of the Gili Trawangan residents, it’s not surprising that most visitors end up staying longer than originally plan.

Accommodation on Gili Trawangan
Most of the accommodation centrally located on south east of Gili Trawangan. A few new establishments of bungalows with a better facilities are now available. Places in the front (beach line) are more expensive. The upmarket accommodation is no longer dominated by Villa Ombak and Villa Almarik. There are many new quality boutique resorts are now available. Gili Trawangan is more developed than other Gilis for the last few years. There are also a few places to stay around the north and south west coast in more quiet atmosphere.
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