If you want to set text in Adobe Photoshop to justify all (both left and right), you need to select the Text tool, then click and drag on the image so that you create a rectangle for the text. Then you can select justify all in the Paragraph toolset (under the Window menu). If you only select the Text tool and click on the image, you will get a cursor, but the justify all option on the paragraph toolset will be greyed out.
Web Wayback Machine
Web Archive
The Internet Archive is a complete snapshot of all web pages on every website since 1996 till today. Since the average lifetime of a page on the Internet is 100 days, this snapshot is retaken every two months. The Internet Archive at BA includes the web collection of 1996 to 2006. It represents 1.5 petabytes of data stored on 880 computers. The entire collection is available for free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public.
Wayback Machine:
The Wayback Machine is the tool that allows users to use the Web archive to surf the web as it was. This historic collection is invaluable to scholars trying to understand the interactions between people and events. We expect to build special collections that reflect the interests of the patrons of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.